Mardi Gras Party on March 22nd

At the American Legion Post 408, 120 E. Washington St in Derby Ks.

The American Legion will provide tea, water and coffee, Soft drinks can be purchased for $1.00 Cash only at the Legion.

Adult Beverages can be purchase at the bar only. No outside Adult Beverages.

The PraireThunder Chapter will provide Leekers Chicken and Pulled Pork, Plates, Sliver wear and napkins.

There will be a White Elephant Gift Exchange,

If you choose to participate in the gift exchange please bring a wrapped gift.


We need our Chapter members to bring side dishes for the "Mardi Gras Party"

Please click on the following web link (or copy it into your web browser if clicking doesn't work) to go to the signup sheet:

To sign up, just follow the instructions on the page. It only takes a few seconds to do.

Setup time 4:30pm

Start Serving Dinner 5:30pm


Thanks for Helping

Cathy, Pam, Sean

[email protected]


Monthly Gathering:

Our Monthly Gathering will be Saturday April 12th.

At 9:30AM to 10:30AM in our H.O.G. Room at Twister City Harley Davidson.





Rides & Events

It's all about the rides, but we also do other fun, group activities throughout the year. Monthly meetings, dealer events, and other varied events like parties, outdoor movie nights, meals, bowling, bar b-q... the list goes on. 
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Photo Gallery

Did you miss an event? Did somebody from the photo team snap a picture of you? Just feel nostalgic and want to review old pics? Look no more. This is your stop. We sort through the best of the best and bring them to you here.
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Chapter Newsletter

All year long, your Editor, backed by a crack ninja squad, works tirelessly to assemble what can only be described as the pinnacle of publishing... The treasure of typography... You know it, you love it, Chapter Newsletter!
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Become a Member

I know, what we do sounds fun, and you can't wait to join us and hang out. Do you own a Harley-Davidson? If not, just buy a new or used bike at Twister City Harley Davidson, and they will pay your membership dues for the first year!
Join Us


The PrairieThunder Chapter #4200 Primary Officers For 2025

Darrin West


Rocky Gibson

Assistant Director

Dayla Davis


Darrell Allen
