

Steve Yoder
Safety Officer
[email protected]



Warm Weather Riding Tips

We still have plenty of warm weather riding here in Kansas this summer. In this video, Gregg White and Chris Harrison of the AMA discuss different techniques and gear that can help you cope with the warmer temperatures of summer and make your riding more enjoyable. Read More...

Riding Academy at Twister City Harley-Davidson

Riding Academy at Twister City Harley-Davidson Twister City Harley-Davidson offers a wide variety of rider training options for those who are learning to ride a motorcycle for the very first time as well as seasoned riders that want to improve their techniques to handle whatever they encounter along the road. And to sweeten the deal even more, If you are a national H.O.G. member, H.O.G. will send you a patch and pin as well as reimburse you up to $50 when you complete an accredited Rider Training Course, including rider training at H-D dealerships, in the U.S. Read More...


Anti-Lock Brakes

There are lots of considerations when it comes to motorcycle braking. First and foremost, no matter what type of brakes your bike is equipped with, you should always have the bike straight up instead of leaning before you apply the brakes. Read More...


Our Safety Officer says the warmer forecast means motorcyclists will be out - but the sand could be a challenge. You’ve got to give yourself extra room, because that sand is like a little marble under you. You know those tires will just roll. Stay Safe and be aware of your surroundings including on the road ahead.


Wind Chill

Have you wondered when you ride why the temperature is cooler or hotter than ambient? It is called Wind Chill. According to Wikipedia wind chill is the perceived decrease of air temperature felt by the body on exposed skin due to the flow of cold air. Wind chill temperatures are lower than ambient air temperature. Click Here to view a Wind Chill Chart



Tire Pressure

Tire pressure is easy to ignore. Lots of us are guilty of that.  It gets checked occasionally by most riders and it normally stays about the same, right?  In fact, tires lose air pressure constantly.  On average, tires will lose about 1 psi per month. Read More...

Safety Presentations

At our March Monthly Meetings each year our Safety Officer finds someone to come in and give talks about safety. We've have safety meetings on first aid by an EMT, riding in groups by a Highway Patrolman, tires and batteries by our own Twister City HD Mechanic Manager Donnie. These are always very informative as well as interesting. Read More...